There are constant messages guiding our paths through life. To hear we must stop our busy lives a moment and listen.
There are constant messages guiding our paths through life. To hear we must stop our busy lives a moment and listen.
Why is there so much energy given to the art of war? The art of peace requires so little!
Within the martial arts, while competition in the form of sport exists, the art of Budo, a way of love may never be truly understood.
Everyone seeks some form of appreciation. Strive to offer appreciation whenever possible and you will create a peaceful wake wherever you go.
The ultimate goal of Aikido attained is seeing yourself and the world through eyes that are non-confrontational.
To have no compassion in your martial art, shows a cover up of our most natural instinct; “fear”.
A martial artist should not be measured on their ability to hurt or destroy an enemy but how they can change aggression into the art of peace.
To view one as an enemy is to see ourselves without having any wrong.