Why do we bear arms at the slightest miscommunication? Our relationship with our ego craves always to be right.
Why do we bear arms at the slightest miscommunication? Our relationship with our ego craves always to be right.
To view one as an enemy is to see ourselves without having any wrong.
Respect should always be offered to the opponent first. Often this can lead an attitude of dis-harmony into a peaceful resolution.
Martial arts are not studied to enhance aggression, but to train the spirit to reveal flaws for ones own self correction.
To care for others is the real martial art. To not care shows a disregard for yourself and the universe.
It’s less important how strong others see you. And far more important in the strength you see in yourself.
To have no compassion in your martial art, shows a cover up of our most natural instinct; “fear”.
It takes greater courage to lead by truth than to lead with fear and deception.
Treat others in the way you would like to be treated and a harmony shall exist.