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ki fusion Aikido has a huge training centre (dojo) modelled on Japanese aesthetics, which currently also hosts Goju-Ryu Karate and Krav Maga classes (www.gojukarate.co) and has a range of gym equipment with access to a full time personal trainer. The studio also includes a lounge and all the facilities required to host seminars and classes. See below for information about hiring the space on a one-off or regular basis.


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[iconbox type=”icon-left” title=”Huge Training Space” icon=”fa-circle-o” titlesize=”16″ titleweight=”bold” paddingbottom=”14″]
Our dojo comprises a 220 square meter training space with a walkway on three sides.
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[iconbox type=”icon-left” titlesize=”small” title=”Studio For Hire” icon=”fa-circle-o” titlesize=”16″ titleweight=”bold” paddingbottom=”14″]
Our large studio is available for martial arts or related seminars and regular classes. See below for more information.
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[iconbox type=”icon-left” titlesize=”small” title=”Traditional Aesthetics” icon=”fa-circle-o” titlesize=”16″ titleweight=”bold” paddingbottom=”14″]

We are proud of the atmosphere in our centre, designed and built by Sensei McRae to evoke Japanese dojos and make training pleasurable.


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[iconbox type=”icon-left” titlesize=”small” title=”High Quality” icon=”fa-circle-o” titlesize=”16″ titleweight=”bold” paddingbottom=”14″]

The main training area is laid with the highest quality tatami (mats) for the best and safest training experience.

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[iconbox type=”icon-left” titlesize=”small” title=”Fully Equipped” icon=”fa-circle-o” titlesize=”16″ titleweight=”bold” paddingbottom=”14″]

The centre includes a reception area, changing rooms, carpeted lounge and viewing area, office space, punching bags and pads, training weapons, mirrors, and a small gym area under construction.

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[iconbox type=”icon-left” titlesize=”small” title=”Access” icon=”fa-circle-o” titlesize=”16″ titleweight=”bold” paddingbottom=”14″]

The centre has ample parking and is easy walking distance from Bayswater railway station, in a quiet area off the main roads.


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Our centre can be hired for one-off events such as seminars or training weekends, or on a regular basis for permanent classes. Since the centre is fully equipped for most needs, hirers can simply arrive and train, without the need to set up their own mats. The Japanese aesthetics create a fantastic atmosphere.

The centre is suitable for activities such as:

  • Martial Arts – ongoing classes
  • Martial Arts Seminars or Training Weekends
  • Yoga
  • Tai Chi
  • Massage and other therapeutic practices

Contact us to discuss your needs so we can tailor a plan that suits your budget and space requirements.
